Create unsupervised dataset (from feature raster)
Create an unsupervised dataset by sampling data from valid pixels and store the result as a pickle file. A pixel is concidered valid, if the pixel profile is free of no data values, and not excluded by the (optionally) selected mask layer.
Open the algorithm from the processing toolbox.
Select a raster layer containing your features, e. g. a satellite image, then click run.
The output classification dataset will be listed under Models in your Data Sources panel.
- Raster layer with features [raster]
Raster layer used for sampling feature data X.
- Mask layer [layer]
A mask layer for limitting sample locations.
- Sample size [number]
Approximate number of samples drawn from raster. If 0, whole raster will be used. Note that this is only a hint for limiting the number of rows and columns.
Default: 0
- Exclude bad bands [boolean]
Whether to exclude bands, that are marked as bad bands, or contain no data, inf or nan values in all samples.
Default: True
- Output dataset [fileDestination]
Pickle file destination.
Command-line usage
>qgis_process help enmapbox:CreateUnsupervisedDatasetFromFeatureRaster
featureRaster: Raster layer with features
Argument type: raster
Acceptable values:
- Path to a raster layer
mask: Mask layer (optional)
Argument type: layer
Acceptable values:
- Path to a vector, raster or mesh layer
sampleSize: Sample size (optional)
Default value: 0
Argument type: number
Acceptable values:
- A numeric value
- field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
- expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
excludeBadBands: Exclude bad bands (optional)
Default value: true
Argument type: boolean
Acceptable values:
- 1 for true/yes
- 0 for false/no
- field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
- expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
outputUnsupervisedDataset: Output dataset
Argument type: fileDestination
Acceptable values:
- Path for new file
outputUnsupervisedDataset: <outputFile>
Output dataset