Installation (NEW)

The EnMAP-Box is a plugin for QGIS and requires additional python packages that need to be installed independent from QGIS.

QGIS Installation on Windows

On a Windows system you have multiple options to install QGIS.

Option A: Install QGIS via the official Standalone/OSGeo4W Installer

1. Install QGIS

Install either the current QGIS Long Term Release (LTR) or the current QGIS Latest Release (LR) to run the latest EnMAP-Box. You can get the QGIS Standalone Installer here. For beginners, we recommend using the standalone installers. More advanced QGIS users can use OSGeo4W installer.

In case you already have the current QGIS LTR or LR version installed, you can skip this step.

In case you have an outdated QGIS version, make sure to install a current version.

2. Install Python Dependencies

  1. Close QGIS, if it is open.

  2. Open the OSGeo4W Shell from the start menu.

  3. Install Python dependencies by executing:

    pip install --upgrade --user -r
  4. Open QGIS from the start menu.

Option B: Install QGIS via the Mambaforge Package Manager

1. Install Miniforge

It is recommended to use Miniforge, a minimal installer for Conda specific to conda-forge. You can get the Miniforge Windows Installer here.

2. Install QGIS and Python Dependencies

  1. Open the Miniforge Prompt from the start menu.

  2. Install QGIS LTR and EnMAP-Box Python dependencies into a new “enmapbox” environment:

    mamba env create -n enmapbox -f
  3. Activate the “enmapbox” environment and open QGIS by executing:

    activate enmapbox

QGIS Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)

The following instructions were written for and tested on Ubuntu (22.04 & 23.10). They should also work for other Debian-based distributions.

Option A: Install QGIS via the official repository

1. Install QGIS

Install QGIS as described here

2. Install Python Dependencies

  1. Open the Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T).

  2. Make sure the following packages are installed using the system package manager:

    sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv pyqt5-dev-tools
  3. (optional) for some EnMAP-Box tools you may also need the following packages:

    sudo apt install python3-h5py python3-pyqt5.qtopengl python3-netcdf4
  4. Open QGIS and the QGIS Python Console (Ctrl + Alt + P). Type the following and confirm with enter:

    import sys; sys.executable

    It shows the path of the python executable QGIS is using, usually /usr/bin/python3. It should be the same path as the command which python3 executed in the Terminal returns! Close QGIS.

  5. Create a virtual python environment in a directory of your choice (e.g. ~/.virtualenvs/enmapbox):

    python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps --system-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/enmapbox
  6. Activate the environment:

    source ~/.virtualenvs/enmapbox/bin/activate

    Now you should see the environment name in brackets at the beginning of your prompt, e.g. (enmapbox).

  7. Install missing python dependencies with pip inside the virtual environment:

    python3 -m pip install -r
  8. Start QGIS (from the activated environment, see 6.):



You can add a shortcut to your applications menu, so you do not have to open a Terminal and type the above mentioned commands (6. & 8.) everytime you want to start QGIS with the EnMAP-Box environment:

Create the file ~/.local/share/applications/enmapbox.desktop with the following content (if you used another installation path in the instructions above change accordingly):

[Desktop Entry]
Name=QGIS (EnMAP-Box)
Exec=/bin/bash -c "source ~/.virtualenvs/enmapbox/bin/activate && qgis %F"

Option B: Install QGIS via conda/mamba

1. Install Micromamba

It is recommended to use Micromamba, a minimal installer for conda/mamba. You can get Micromamba here. You may of course also use conda, just swap micromamba with conda in the instructions below.

2. Install QGIS and Python Dependencies

  1. Open the Terminal, and install QGIS LTR and EnMAP-Box Python dependencies into a new “enmapbox” environment:

    micromamba env create -n enmapbox -f ./enmapbox_full_longterm.yml
    rm -v ./enmapbox_full_longterm.yml


    There are multiple environment files available, depending on whether you want to install the latest qgis version or the long-term release.

  2. Activate the created “enmapbox” environment and open QGIS by executing:

    micromamba activate enmapbox

QGIS Installation on MacOS

todo @jakimow

EnMAP-Box Plugin Installation

  1. In QGIS go to Plugins ‣ Manage and Install Plugins ‣ All

  2. In the search bar enter enmap

  3. Now the EnMAP-Box should be listed in the plugin list:


    Select it and click Install plugin (or Upgrade in case you update to a new version)

  4. The following dialog might pop up afterwards:


    Depending on whether you want to use the GEE Time Series Explorer check cb1 or uncheck cb0 the checkbox and confirm with OK

  5. Start the EnMAP-Box via the icon icon or from the menubar Raster ‣ EnMAP-Box

  6. (Optional): You can download a demo dataset via Project ‣ Load Example Data

Experimental version

It is also possible to install the most recent develop version of the EnMAP-Box. To do so, make sure that the option cb1 Show also experimental plugins is activated in the plugin manager settings. Once activated, there is an additional button Install Experimental Plugin in the plugin manager.



As the experimental tag suggests, this version comes with the newest features and developments, but might also be prone to bugs and crashes.