Create mask raster layer

Create a mask raster layer by applying a user-defined evaluation function band-wise to a source raster layer.


  1. Open the algorithm from the processing toolbox.

  2. Select a raster layer to be masked and modify the python script to fit your needs, then click run.

  3. The output raster can be found under Rasters in the Data Source Panel


Raster layer [raster]

Raster layer to be processed band-wise.

Function [string]

Python code defining the evaluation function. The defined function must return a binary-valued array with same shape as the input array.


import numpy as np

def function(array: np.ndarray, noDataValue: float):
    # if source no data value is not defined, use zero as no data value
    if noDataValue is None:
        noDataValue = 0

    # mask no data pixel
    marray = np.not_equal(array, noDataValue)

    # mask inf and nan pixel
    marray[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(array))] = 0

    # include further masking criteria here

    return marray


Output raster layer [rasterDestination]

Raster file destination.

Command-line usage

>qgis_process help enmapbox:CreateMaskRasterLayer:


raster: Raster layer
    Argument type:  raster
    Acceptable values:
            - Path to a raster layer
function: Function
    Default value:  import numpy as np

def function(array: np.ndarray, noDataValue: float):
    # if source no data value is not defined, use zero as no data value
    if noDataValue is None:
        noDataValue = 0

    # mask no data pixel
    marray = np.not_equal(array, noDataValue)

    # mask inf and nan pixel
    marray[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(array))] = 0

    # include further masking criteria here

    return marray

    Argument type:  string
    Acceptable values:
            - String value
            - field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
            - expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
outputRaster: Output raster layer
    Argument type:  rasterDestination
    Acceptable values:
            - Path for new raster layer


outputRaster: <outputRaster>
    Output raster layer