Stack raster layers

Stack raster layers and store the result as a VRT file.This is a slimmed down version of the more powerful/complicated GDAL “Build virtual raster” algorithm. If you also want to delete or rearrange individual bands, just use the “Subset raster layer bands” algorithm afterwards.


  1. Open the algorithm from the processing toolbox.

  2. Select multiple raster layers to be stacked, then click run.



Raster layers [multilayer]

Source raster layers.

Grid [raster]

Reference grid specifying the destination extent, pixel size and projection. If not defined, gdal.BuildVrt defaults are used.

Band [number]

Specify a band number used for stacking, instead of using all bands.


Output raster layer [rasterDestination]

Raster file destination.

Command-line usage

>qgis_process help enmapbox:StackRasterLayers:


rasters: Raster layers
    Argument type:  multilayer
grid: Grid (optional)
    Argument type:  raster
    Acceptable values:
            - Path to a raster layer
band: Band (optional)
    Argument type:  number
    Acceptable values:
            - A numeric value
            - field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
            - expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
outputRaster: Output raster layer
    Argument type:  rasterDestination
    Acceptable values:
            - Path for new raster layer


outputRaster: <outputRaster>
    Output raster layer