Example Data


For opening the dataset go to the menubar Project ‣ Load Example Data


If you try to open the dataset for the first time, you will be asked to download the data from the repository:


After you downloaded the dataset, you can also use the processing algorithm Open Test Maps (in Auxillary) to open the dataset.

EnMAP (30m; 177 bands):

File name: enmap_berlin.bsq

Simulated EnMAP data (based on 3.6m HyMap imagery) acquired in August 2009 over south eastern part of Berlin. It has a spectral resolution of 177 bands and a spatial resolution of 30m.

HyMap (3.6m; Blue, Green, Red bands)

File name: hires_berlin.bsq

HyMap image acquired in August 2009 over south eastern part of Berlin. This dataset was reduced to 3 bands for true color display. The spatial resolution is 3.6m.

LandCover Vector Layer (Polygon):

File name: landcover_berlin_polygon.gpkg

Polygon vector geopackage containing land cover information on three classification levels. Derived from very high resolution aerial imagery and cadastral datasets.

  • Level 1 classes: Impervious, Vegetation, Soil, Water
  • Level 2 classes: Impervious, Low Vegetation, Soil, Tree, Water
  • Level 3 classes: Roof, Pavement, Low Vegetation, Soil, Tree, Water

LandCover Vector Layer (Point):

File name: landcover_berlin_point.shp

Point vector geopackage containing land cover information on two classification levels.

  • Level 1 classes: Impervious, Vegetation, Soil, Water
  • Level 2 classes: Impervious, Low Vegetation, Soil, Tree, Water

Spectral Library:

File name: library_berlin.sli

Spectral library with 75 spectra (material level, level 2 and level 3 class information)


library_berlin.sli opened in the EnMAP-Box Spectral Library Window