FAQ & Troubleshooting

Bug report & feedback


Your feedback is more than welcome! In case you encounter any problems with the EnMAP-Box or have suggestions of any kind for improving it (or this documentation), please let us know!

Please report issues here

For questions use GitHub Discussions


E-Mail: enmapbox@enmap.org

Newsletter: Subscribe to the EnMAP mailing list to be informed about new EnMAP-Box releases and other EnMAP related news. Click here for more information.


Please cite the EnMAP-Box as:

Jakimow, B., Janz, A., Thiel, F., Okujeni, A., Hostert, P., van der Linden, S., 2023. EnMAP-Box:
Imaging spectroscopy in QGIS. SoftwareX 23, 101507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2023.101507


title = {EnMAP-Box: Imaging spectroscopy in QGIS},
journal = {SoftwareX},
volume = {23},
pages = {101507},
year = {2023},
issn = {2352-7110},
doi = {10.1016/j.softx.2023.101507},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2023.101507},
author = {Benjamin Jakimow and Andreas Janz and Fabian Thiel and Akpona Okujeni and Patrick Hostert and van der Linden, Sebastian}


This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the EnMAP-Box. Feel free to suggest new entries!

  • Installation: no module named pip

    In case you run into problems during installation because pip is not available in your python environment (error message C:/.../python3.exe: No module named pip or similar), follow these steps (Windows):

    Start the OSGeo4W installer from the OSGeo4W Shell by calling


    which will open the OSGeo4W Setup dialog.

    Now navigate through the first pages of the dialog, by selecting the following settings:

    • Advanced Installation Next

    • Installation from Internet Next

    • default OSGeo4W root directory Next

    • local temp directory Next

    • direct connection Next

    • Select downloadsite https://download.osgeo.org Next

    Then use the textbox to filter, select and install the following packages (see video below for help):

    • python3-pip

    • python3-setuptools

    Click on the osgeoinstaller symbol once, which should usually change the Skip setting to installing the most recent version.

    Only AFTER having selected both packages, click Next.

    Demonstration of package selection in the Setup

    Click Finish when the installation is done.

  • Installation: error ensomap / numba / TypeError jitdebug

    EnSoMAP requires Numba, a JIT compiler that translates python code into fast machine code. Unfortunately, Numba is not part of a standard QGIS installation. Installing it afterwards can be tricky, in particular on the standard Windows and macOS QGIS installations. If you want to use EnSoMAP and numba, we therefore recommend to use a QGIS that was installed with Conda instead.

    1. Install conda and create a conda environment with QGIS as described here.

    2. Install Numba

      (qgis_stable) $>conda install numba --channel=conda-forge
    3. Start the conda QGIS by:

      (qgis_stable) $>qgis
    4. If not already done, install the EnMAP-Box to your Conda-QGIS with the QGIS Plugin Manager.

  • Image Cube tool missing qtopengl / Missing OpenGL / QtOpenGL packages

    On some systems we experiences problems related to a missing OpenGL support (e.g Issue #299)

    1. Ensure that you have installed OpenGL drivers that support your graphic card

    2. Ensure that PyOpenGL is installed (python3 -m pip install PyOpenGL).

    On Linux, it might be necessary to install the Python bindings for QtOpenGL in order to start the Image Cube tool.

    sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtopengl

  • Exception: Unable to find full path for “dockpanel.ui”. Make its directory known to UI_DIRECTORIES

    It’s likely that an update of the EnMAP-Box plugin failed to remove a previous version properly. The following workaround might help:

    1. Navigate into the active QGIS profile folder. It can be opened via Settings ‣ User Profiles ‣ Open Active Profile Folder

    2. Close QGIS. This is necessary to avoid any file handles on files or folders of the EnMAP-Box plugin.

    3. Delete the EnMAP-Box plugin folder manually, e.g. default/python/plugins/enmapboxplugin if the active QGIS profile is default.

    4. Restart QGIS and install the most-recent EnMAP-Box version

Known Issues

Here is a list of known issues, that aren’t fixed easily, and/or only affect a specific version of QGIS or operating system: