
Fig. 13 Overview of the EnMAP-Box


In the toolbar you can find the most common tasks. See table below for information on different buttons and their functionality.

  • It is possible to enable and disable the different tools: Right-click mouse_rightclick on the toolbar and check or uncheck the desired toolbar.


    Fig. 14 Enable and disable different toolbars

Data Sources


Button Name



Adds a data source

Here you can add data from different sources, e.g. raster and vector

Maps and Views


Button Name



Open a map view

Opens a new Map View


Open a Spectral Library View

Opens a new Spectral Library View


Open a text window

Opens a new text window, you can for example use it to store metadata, take notes etc.

Map Tools


Button Name



Pan Map

Moves the map. Can also be achieved by holding the mouse wheel mouse_wheel


Zoom In

Increases the zoom level. You can also scroll the mouse wheel mouse_wheel forward.


Zoom Out

Decreases the zoom level. You can also scroll the mouse wheel mouse_wheel backwards.


Zoom to native resolution

Zoom to the native resolution


Zoom to full extent

Changes the zoom level of the map you click to show the full extent of all layers visualized in it



Identify locations on the map where you click with the cursor. Use the two options on the right to specify what to identify


option: Location value

Shows pixel values of all layers at the selected position


option: Pixel profile

Opens Spectral Library View (if not opened yet) and plots the spectral profile of the selected pixel


option: Center map

Moves the map center to the selected cursor location


Specify the linking between different maps

Opens the Map Linking Dialog


Toggle processing toolbox visibility

Opens the Processing toolbox panel

Vector Tools


Button Name



Select features

Click in the image to select different features. Use the dropdown menu to choose what kind of feature to select, e.g., by polygon, freehand or radius.


Deselect selected features

Click to delete selection.


Toggle editing

Activate to be able to work with vector data, e.g. to edit or save features


Save Edits

Hit button to save changes.


Draw a new feature (point)

Add a point feature to existing data.


Draw a new feature (polygon)

Add a polygon feature to existing data.

Earth Observation for QGIS (EO4Q)


Button Name



GEE Time Series Explorer

Opens the GEE Time Series Explorer in a new view.


Location Browser

Use point location or geometry formats to navigate to a specific location or send a request to the Nominatim Geocoding service of OpenStreetMap.


Profile Analytics

Opens the Profile Analytics in a new view.


Raster Band Stacking

Stack different raster bands individually.


Sensor Product Import

Import different sensor products by drag & drop.


Data Sources

The Data Sources panel lists the data in your current project, comparable to the Layers panel in QGIS. The following data types and their corresponding metadata are available:

  • mIconRasterLayer Raster Data

    • File size: Metadata on resolution and extent of the raster

    • CRS: Shows Coordinate Reference System (CRS) information

    • Bands: Information on overall number of bands as well as band-wise metadata such as name, class or wavelength (if available)


      Depending on the type, raster layers will be listed with different icons:

      • mIconRasterImage for default raster layers (continuous value range)

      • mIconRasterMask for mask raster layers

      • mIconRasterClassification for classification raster layers

      Also see section on data types for further information.

  • mIconLineLayer Vector Data

    • File size: Shows the file size and extent of the vector layer

    • CRS: Shows Coordinate Reference System (CRS) information

    • Features: Information on number of features and geometry types

    • Fields: Attribute information, number of fields as well as field names and corresponding datatype

  • speclib Spectral Libraries

    • File size: Size of the file on hard disk

    • Profiles: Shows the number of spectra in the library

  • processingAlgorithm Models

Buttons of the Data Sources panel:




This button lets you add data from different sources, e.g. raster and vector. Same function as add_datasource.


Remove layers from the Data Sources panel. First select one or more and then click the remove button.


Collapses the whole menu tree, so that only layer type groups are shown.


Expands menu tree to show all branches.


Synchronizes Data Sources with QGIS.


  • If you want to remove all layers at once, right-click mouse_rightclick in the Data Sources panel and and select Remove all DataSources

  • The EnMAP-Box also supports Tile-/Web Map Services (e.g. Google Satellite or OpenStreetMap) as a raster layer. Just add them to your QGIS project as you normally would, and then click the qgis_icon Synchronize Data Sources with QGIS button. Now they should appear in the data source panel and can be added to a Map View.

Data Views

The Data Views panel organizes the different windows and their content. You may change the name of a Window by double-clicking onto the name in the list.

Buttons of the Data Views panel:




Open the Raster Layer Styling panel


Remove layers from the Data Views panel. First select one or more and then click the remove button.


Collapses the whole menu tree, so that only layer type groups are shown.


Expands menu tree to show all branches.

Organization of the Data Views panel:


Example of how different window types and their contents are organized in the Data Views panel. In this case there are two Map Views and one Spectral Library View in the project.

Spectral Profile Sources

This menu manages the connection between raster sources and spectral library windows. When collecting profiles, the Identify tool select_location selects profiles from the top-most raster layer by default. The Profile Source panel allows to change this behaviour and to control:

  • the profile source, i.e., the raster layer to collect profiles from,

  • the style how they appear in the profile plot as profile candidate,

  • the sampling method, for example to aggregate multiple pixel into a single profile first,

  • the scaling of profile value.


Overview of the Spectral Profile Sources Window with two labeled spectra and main functionalities

Buttons of the Profile Sources




add a new profile source entry


remove selected entries

  • Define the input data from where to take the spectral information from.

  • Change style of displayed spectra, i.e. symbol and color

  • Specify a source raster dataset

  • Double-clicking in the cell will open up a dropdown menu where you can select from all loaded raster datasets.

  • Select Single Profile or Kernel by double-clicking into the cell.

  • Choose how spectra are sampled.

  • Define the scaling factors by setting the Offset and Scale value.




Extracts the spectral signature of the pixel at the selected location


Extracts spectral signatures of the pixel at the selected location and its adjacent pixels in a 3x3 neighborhood.


Extracts spectral signatures of the pixel at the selected location and its adjacent pixels in a 5x5 neighborhood.


Extracts the mean spectral signature of the pixel at the selected location and its adjacent pixels in a 3x3 neighborhood.


Extracts the mean spectral signature of the pixel at the selected location and its adjacent pixels in a 5x5 neighborhood.

Processing Toolbox

The processing toolbox is basically the same panel as in QGIS. Here you can find all EnMAP-Box processing algorithms listed under EnMAP-Box. In case it is closed/not visible you can open it by clicking the processingAlgorithm button in the menubar or View ‣ Panels ‣ QGIS Processing Toolbox.


See QGIS Documentation - The toolbox for further information.

Cursor Location Values

This tools lets you inspect the values of a layer or multiple layers at the location where you click in the map view. To select a location (e.g. pixel or feature) use the select_location Select Cursor Location button together with the cursorlocationinfo Identify cursor location value option activated and click somewhere in the map view.

  • The Cursor Location Value panel should open automatically and list the information for a selected location. The layers will be listed in the order they appear in the Map View. In case you do not see the panel, you can open it via View ‣ Panels ‣ Cursor Location Values.

  • By default, raster layer information will only be shown for the bands which are mapped to RGB. If you want to view all bands, change the Visible setting to All (right dropdown menu). Also, the first information is always the pixel coordinate (column, row).

  • You can select whether location information should be gathered for All layers or only the Top layer. You can further define whether you want to consider Raster and Vector layers, or Vector only and Raster only, respectively.

  • Coordinates of the selected location are shown in the x and y fields. You may change the coordinate system of the displayed coordinates via the mActionSetProjection Select CRS button (e.g. for switching to lat/long coordinates).


Map View

The map view allows you to visualize raster and vector data. It is interactive, which means you can move the content or zoom in/out.

  • In order to add a new Map View click the viewlist_mapdock Open a Map View button. Once you added a Map View, it will be listed in the Data Views panel.

  • Add layers by either drag-and-dropping them into the Map View (from the Data Sources list) or right-click mouse_rightclick onto the layer ‣ Open in existing map…

  • You can also directly create a new Map View and open a layer by right-clicking mouse_rightclick the layer ‣ Open in new map



You can link multiple Map View with each other, so that the contents are synchronized. The following options are available:

  • link_mapscale_center Link map scale and center

  • link_mapscale Link map scale

  • link_center Link map center

In order to link Map View, go to View ‣ Set Map Linking in the menu bar, which will open the following dialog:


Here you can specify the above mentioned link options between the Map Views. You may either specify linkages between pairs or link all canvases at once (the All Canvases option is only specifiable when the number of Map Views is > 2). Remove created links by clicking link_open.

Demonstration of linking two Map Views


  • Activate the crosshair by right-clicking mouse_rightclick into a Map View and select Crosshair ‣ Show

  • You can alter the style of the crosshair by right-clicking into a Map View and select Crosshair ‣ Style


Spectral Library View

The Spectral Library Window offers (almost) the same tools like the standard QGIS attribute table. In addition, it provides views and features specifically to visualize and manage spectral profiles. It directly interacts with the Map View(s), which means spectra can be directly collected from an image. Furthermore, external libraries (e.g. ENVI Spectral Library) can be imported.

Add a new spectral library view by using the Add Spectral Library Window viewlist_spectrumdock button in the toolbar or open a new window from the menu View ‣ Add Spectral Library Window.


Overview of the Spectral Library view with several collected and labeled spectra and main tools

Buttons of the Spectral Library Window






Add currently overlaid profiles to the spectral library


Activate to add profiles automatically into the spectral library


Import Spectral Library


Save Spectral Library


Activate to change spectra representation


Activate to use colors from map vector symbology


Enter the Spectral Library Layer Properties


Toggle editing mode


Toggle multi editing mode


Save edits


Reload the table


Add feature


Delete selected features


Cut selected rows to clipboard


Copy selected rows to clipboard


Paste features from clipboard


Select by Expression


Select all elements in the spectral library


Invert the current selection


Remove selection (deselect everything)


Move selection to the top


Select / filter features using form


Pan map to selected rows


Zoom map to selected rows


Add New field


Delete field


Conditional formatting




Switch to form view


Switch to table view


Spectral Processing Dialog


Enable to calculate new attribute fields

Collect profiles

  1. Make sure to enable the profile and select_location button in the menu bar and open a raster from which you want to collect spectra in a new Map View.

  2. Click on a desired pixel position in the opened raster image and a new Spectral Library window opens with the spectral profile of the respective pixel.

  3. Profiles obtained from pixel positions are considered as current or temporary profile candidates. The last profile candidate will be replaced by a new one each time you click on a new pixel position.

  4. Click on Add Profile(s) plus_green to keep the candidate profile in the spectral library. Activate Add profiles automatically profile_add_auto to collect multiple profiles and display them all in the same spectral library.


As an alternative to the mouse you can also identify and select pixel profiles using the shortcuts to change, select and add pixel profiles to the Spectral Library.

  • First activate the crosshair for the respective image. Click with the right mouse button in the image. Select Crosshair > Pixel Grid > desired raster image.

  • Now you should see a red square around your pixel and a red dot indicating the position of the pixel profile.

  • To identify, select and add a pixel profile, use the following key combinations:




Move the map

Ctrl + ///

Select next pixel in arrow direction

Ctrl + S

Add the selected pixel profile candidate

Add profiles from another raster image

Sometimes, you want to compare spectral profiles from different raster sources. The Spectral Profile Source panel allows you to change the default settings of the Identify tool so that you can select profiles from different images at the same time.

  1. If the Spectral Profile Source Panel is not already visible, open it via View ‣ Panels ‣ Spectral Profile Sources.

  2. Add another profile source relation with plus_green and change the Source to the desired raster images.

  3. If you now collect new spectral information, two profiles will appear in the same Spectral Library Window.



Change the color of one of the profile by changing the Style in the Spectral Profile Sources.

In a similar way you can compare profiles from the same raster image but using a different sampling methods.

  1. In the second relation set the Source to the same image as the first relation.

  2. Change the Sampling to e.g. a 3x3 Kernel mean profile.

  3. Collect new pixel profiles.


Spectral Profile Sources Sampling Example

Adding information
The attribute table

You can also add more information to your spectral library by using the attribute table. Add additional fields to the table, e.g. in order to add information to every spectrum (id, name, classification label, …).

  1. Activate the Table view mActionOpenTable and enable the Editing mode mActionToggleEditing.

  2. Now you can use the Add Field mActionNewAttribute dialog to add a new column.

  3. Select a data type of your choice.

  4. A new column is added to the attribute table, which you can edit with a double click.

  5. To delete a column, use the Delete field button mActionDeleteAttribute.


When you add a new attribute to the table, you can also choose to use it to store new spectral profiles by checking the Use to store spectral profiles checkbox. String, text and binary format can be used to store spectral profiles.

Add information in the layer properties window

It is also possible to add new information to the attribute table in the Layer Properties of the Spectral Library.

  • Click on system to open the spectral library properties.

  • Navigate to the Fields tab and add a new field. Note: This view does not allow you to set the option Use to store spectral profiles.


Overview of the Layer Properties / Fields section

In addition, the Layer Properties panel allows you to set a certain widget for a specific column.

  • Switch to the Attributes Form tab in the Layer Properties, select the desired column and choose a certain widget type, e.g. a default range, color, spectral profiles etc.


Selecting widget types for specific columns

The field calculator

The field calculator allows you to modify or assess spectra and calculate new columns or modify existing ones using an expression.


Overview of the Field Calculator

Selecting spectra

Spectra can be selected in the attribute table and in the plot window itself. Selected spectra will be highlighted (blue background in the table; thicker line in a different color in the plot window).

  • Hold the Shift key to select multiple spectra.

  • A selection can be removed by clicking the mActionDeselectAll button.

  • Selected spectra can be removed by using the mActionDeleteSelected button.


You can inspect an individual value of a spectrum by holding the Alt key and clicking some position along the spectrum

It is also possible to select and filter profiles with the common vector filter and selection tools, e.g. select spectra by expression:


Select profiles using an expression

Show coordinates of profiles

Locations of spectra (if available) can be visualized as a point layer by right-clicking mouse_rightclick into the map window, and selecting Add Spectral Library > SpectralLibrary #


Advanced options

Create / Modify profiles with the Field Calculator

As already mentioned, the Field Calculator can modify attribute values of all or selected features. In addition, the field calculator can be used to calculate spectral profiles.

  1. Create a new Spectral Profile field based with Add Field mActionNewAttribute, use string, text or binary format and tick the Ise to store Spectral Profiles box.

  2. Open the field calculator mActionCalculateField and search for spectralData or spectralMath in the Spectral Libraries tab.

SpectralMath allows you to modify spectral profiles with Python code.

  • To use the SpectralMath function, select a field from which to take the spectral profiles, define an expression and the format.

spectralMath("<profile field 1>", ..., "<profile field n>", '<python code>', '<output format>')

Note: The last argument defines the output format. It must correspond to the type you assigned when creating the new column.


Example of calculating new spectral profiles

SpectralData returns spectral profile values.

The following table shows some examples of how spectralMath and spectralData can be used.



Multiply the existing profiles

spectralMath(“profiles”, ‘y *=2’, ‘text’)

Create a new profile with x and y values


Return spectral profile values from map with spectral data from spectral profiles in field column “profiles”


Return xUnit string of the spectral profile e.g. ‘nm’ for wavelength unit


Spectral Processing

Overview of the spectral processing idea

The Spectral Processing framework allows you to use raster processing algorithms to create new profiles. Field values of your spectral library will be converted into artificial one-line raster images. In principally, this can be done with most of the field types:

Field Type

Raster Size (band, height, n)


Spectral Profile

nb, 1, n



1, 1, n



1, 1, n



1, 1, n

int (classification)

These temporary raster images are input to standard QGIS processing algorithms or QGIS processing models. If they generate raster outputs, these outputs can be converted back into field values of the spectral library:

Raster Output

Spectral library Field Type

(>1, 1, n) int/float

Spectral Profile

(1, 1, n) int


(1, 1, n) float


This allows you to use the same algorithms to modify spectral profiles as you may want to use to manipulate raster images. Furthermore, you can make use the QGIS model builder to create (potentially very large and complex) models and use them for both, spectral libraries and raster image processing.

  • To use the Spectral Processing tool open profile_processing and choose the desired algorithm, e.g. Spectral resampling.

  • Select the input profiles to be translated to the temporary raster layer and specify the outputs. Select an existing field or enter a name to create a new field.


Spectral Processing Example

Visualization settings

General profile plot settings

The Profile Plot displays spectral profiles. Toggling the Profile View icon profile shows or hides the plot panel. This can be useful, for example to enlarge the attribute table and focus on attribute modifications.

You can adjust the extent of the visualized data range and units

  • in the plot context menu

  • using the mouse cursor while keeping the right mouse button pressed

  • in the visualization settings view


You can also export the entire plot scene or visible view box by clicking into the plot and select Export.


Export options of the spectral library

Visualizing profiles

The visualization settings of the spectral library allow you to customize the view according to your needs. You can define multiple visualization groups that describe how profiles from a specific field and with specific attributes should be visualized.


Overview of the visualization settings in the Spectral Library window

  • It is also possible, to change the appearance of the Spectral Library window, i.e., bright or dark.

  • Moreover, activate or deactivate the crosshair and choose a color.

  • The Current Profiles section shows you all the spectra that have been collected but do not yet appear in the attribute table. Change the color and symbol, or add a line between the points by double clicking the profile below the Current Profile section and adjust the style settings.

Working with multiple visualization groups

The spectral library visualization settings also allow you to add several profile Groups with different style settings.

  • Add a second visualization group with plus_green.

  • If you want rename Group “profiles”.

  • Change the color for both groups in the Color.

  • Under Field you can specify which spectral profile column of the attribute table you want to use.

If you have more than one column that stores spectral information, you can have different visualization groups using different profiles.


If you have only one column where spectral information is stored, but you have another column storing e.g. class names, you can use the Filter field to define an expression and select only specific class names, e.g. Impervious and Vegetation and visualize these profiles in different colors.

Colorize spectra by attribute

Spectra can be colorized according to their attributes, e.g. their class name.

  1. In the Data Views panel on the left, right click mouse_rightclick on the spectral library that we are currently using and select the Layer Properties.

  2. Switch to the Symbology symbology tab and select the Categorized renderer at the top.

  3. In the Column droplist select the desired column and click Classify.

  4. Confirm with Ok and close the window.

  5. In the Spectral Library Window activate the visualization settings with the mActionAddLegend button.

  6. Right-click on Color and select Use vector symbol colors speclib_usevectorrenderer.

Loading, Saving and Importing / Exporting

Load and Save Spectral Libraries

Loading or Saving a spectral library means to load or save vector files.

  • Load any vector source in the Data Source Panel into a Spectral Library Viewer.

  • The vector layer does not need to contain any Spectral Profile fields. You can add or define them afterwards.


If your spectral library uses an in-memory vector layer backend, all data will be lost if the layer is closed. This is the case if the Spectral Library Viewer was opened from scratch with an empty spectral library. In this case, don’t forget to export collected profiles before closing the Spectral Library Viewer.

If your spectral library already uses a file backend (e.g. .gpkg, .geojson), Style and other layer specific information are not saved in the data source file, but the QGIS project or a QGIS specific sidecar .qml file.

  • Open Layer properties > Symbology > Style > Save Default to create or update the .qml file and ensure that the Spectral Profile fields will be restored when re-opening the data set.

Exporting Profiles

The Export dialog speclib_save allows you to export all or selected profiles as Geopackage (.gpkg), GeoJSON (.geoson) or ENVI Spectral Library (.sli).


The ENVI Spectral Library does not allow saving profiles with different spectral settings (number of bands, wavelength units, FWHM, …) in the same file. Therefore, you need to select one (out of multiple) profile fields. Profiles with different spectral settings will be exported into different ENVI files.

Importing Profiles
  • To import none-vector files into an existing spectral librar use the Import Spectral Library speclib_add button.

  • Possible formats to be imported: ENVI Spectral Library, Geopackage, ASD Field Spectrometer measurements, Raster Layer.

  • You can also import ASD Field Spectrometer measurements and map and modify the imported profiles and attributes accordingly.

Spectral Profile JSON format

The EnMAP-Box stores the minimum data to plot a single profile in a JSON object. In its most simple way, this JSON object contains a single array “y” of length n, with n = number of spectral profile values:

     "y": [43, 23, 45, 63,45]

In this case it can be assumed that the corresponding ‘x’ values are an increasing band index “x”: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].

The JSON object can describe the “x”, the axis units and a vector of bad band values explicitly:




An array with n profile values


An array with n profile value locations


String that describes the unit of y values


String that describes the x value unit


A bad band list

Other metadata to describe spectra profiles are stored in additional vector layer fields.

As JSON object, a single hyperspectral EnMAP profile may therefore look like:


Note that conceptually profile objects can differ in its wavelength etc.

Text View


Attribute Table View
