Raster layer zonal aggregation
Aggregates raster layer pixel profiles by categories.
Open the algorithm from the processing toolbox.
Select a raster layer and a categorized raster layer defining your zones, then click run.
- Raster layer [raster]
Raster layer to be aggregated.
- Categorized raster layer [raster]
Categorized raster layer specifying the zones.
- Output table [vectorDestination]
Table file destination.
Command-line usage
>qgis_process help enmapbox:RasterLayerZonalAggregation
raster: Raster layer
Argument type: raster
Acceptable values:
- Path to a raster layer
categorizedRaster: Categorized raster layer
Argument type: raster
Acceptable values:
- Path to a raster layer
outputTable: Output table
Argument type: vectorDestination
Acceptable values:
- Path for new vector layer
outputTable: <outputVector>
Output table