VRT band math

Create a single-band VRT raster layer specifying a VRT Python Pixel Function. Use any NumPy-based arithmetic, or even arbitrary Python code.


  1. Open the algorithm from the processing toolbox.

  2. Select a raster layer and the desired bands. Code your function, then click run.

  3. The output raster can be found under Rasters in the Data Source Panel


Raster layer [raster]

Input raster layer.

Selected bands [band]

List of input bands.

Code [string]

The mathematical calculation to be performed on the selected input bands in_ar.Result must be copied to out_ar. For detailed usage information read the VRT Python Pixel Function docs.

Data type [enum]

Output data type.

Default: 5

No data value [number]

Output no data value.

Band name [string]

Output band name.

Buffer radius [number]

The number of columns and rows to read from the neighbouring blocks. Needs to be specified only when performing spatial operations, to avoid artifacts at block borders.


Output VRT layer [rasterDestination]

VRT file destination.

Command-line usage

>qgis_process help enmapbox:VrtBandMath:


raster: Raster layer
    Argument type:  raster
    Acceptable values:
            - Path to a raster layer
bandList: Selected bands
    Argument type:  band
    Acceptable values:
            - Integer value representing an existing raster band number
code: Code
    Argument type:  string
    Acceptable values:
            - String value
            - field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
            - expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
dataType: Data type (optional)
    Default value:  5
    Argument type:  enum
    Available values:
            - 0: Byte
            - 1: Int16
            - 2: UInt16
            - 3: UInt32
            - 4: Int32
            - 5: Float32
            - 6: Float64
    Acceptable values:
            - Number of selected option, e.g. '1'
            - Comma separated list of options, e.g. '1,3'
noData: No data value (optional)
    Argument type:  number
    Acceptable values:
            - A numeric value
            - field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
            - expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
bandName: Band name (optional)
    Argument type:  string
    Acceptable values:
            - String value
            - field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
            - expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
overlap: Buffer radius (optional)
    Argument type:  number
    Acceptable values:
            - A numeric value
            - field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field
            - expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression
outputVrt: Output VRT layer
    Argument type:  rasterDestination
    Acceptable values:
            - Path for new raster layer


outputVrt: <outputRaster>
    Output VRT layer