Import Landsat L2 product

Prepare a spectral raster layer from the given product. Wavelength information is set and data is scaled into the 0 to 1 range.Supports Landsat 4 to 9, collection 2.


  1. Open the algorithm from the processing toolbox.

  2. Select the metadata file, then click run.

  3. The output raster can be found under Rasters in the Data Source Panel


Metadata file [file]

The *.MTL.txt metadata file associated with the product. Instead of executing this algorithm, you may drag&drop the metadata MTL.txt file directly from your system file browser a) onto the EnMAP-Box map view area, or b) onto the Sensor Product Import panel.


Output raster layer [rasterDestination]

Raster file destination.

Command-line usage

>qgis_process help enmapbox:ImportLandsatL2Product:


file: Metadata file
    Argument type:  file
    Acceptable values:
            - Path to a file
outputLandsatL2Raster: Output raster layer
    Argument type:  rasterDestination
    Acceptable values:
            - Path for new raster layer


outputLandsatL2Raster: <outputRaster>
    Output raster layer